Why raising the minimum legal age might not be the solution for child marriage

The amendment of Indonesia’s Marriage act in 2019 was an important step towards reducing child marriage and improving human rights. The age that girls can get married with parental permission was raised from 16 to 19 years – equal to the minimum age for boys. This renewal of the law is designed to contribute to …Continue reading Why raising the minimum legal age might not be the solution for child marriage

Waktunya Merancang Pesan Jitu Pencegahan COVID-19

AKHIR-akhir ini kasus infeksi covid-19 di Indonesia meningkat drastis, mendekati angka 5.000 kasus per hari. Hal tersebut memicu peningkatan intensitas komunikasi dari pemerintah demi menekan penyebaran virus di masyarakat. Beberapa pesan dibuat berdasarkan kesalahpahaman dan hoaks yang begitu meluas hingga memiliki nama sendiri- infodemic. Continue reading Waktunya Merancang Pesan Jitu Pencegahan COVID-19