K-pop: From Marketing Tactics to Collective Idolisation

The “Korean wave” (Hallyu) has taken the world by storm. Not only has it entered globalised consumer culture, it has become a strategic export commodity.  But what makes the Korean wave so globally accepted? And what has helped turn this restoration and reinvention of South Korean culture into such a staggering phenomenon? How does it disrupt the traditional marketing tactics?Continue reading K-pop: From Marketing Tactics to Collective Idolisation

Mungkinkah #MulaiTanpaSedotan Menjadi “Gerbang Awal” Hilangnya Kemasan Plastik McDonald’s Lainnya?

Pengurangan sedotan plastik di semua restoran McDonald’s di Indonesia dapat dipastikan dalam mengurangi sampah plastik yang mulai mengganggu ekosistem. Mungkinkah ini dapat menjadi “gerbang awal” dari hilangnya kemasan plastik McDonald’s lainnya?Continue reading Mungkinkah #MulaiTanpaSedotan Menjadi “Gerbang Awal” Hilangnya Kemasan Plastik McDonald’s Lainnya?

Creating, Accessing and Sharing Value: Social marketing evidence and experience from Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Bangladesh

Nick Goodwin (Director, Tulodo Indonesia) and Lamberto Pinto (Sanitation Program Manager, Partnership for Human Development, Timor-Leste were recently featured as speakers at the 2018 International Social Marketing Conference (ISMC) in Singapore. The panel discussed how to create, access and share value to help …’Continue reading Creating, Accessing and Sharing Value: Social marketing evidence and experience from Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Bangladesh

Empathy Map: Setting a common ground for multiple UX designers

For human-centred-design practitioner, empathy is the first and foremost element that should be determined before going to other layers of process. As the principle of human-centred design gives us the safety net to not produce a top-down solution, empathising with the user we design the solution for will avoid product failure. Then is there any tool to set a common ground for multiple designers workingContinue reading Empathy Map: Setting a common ground for multiple UX designers